Projects Awarded
MI Kalamazoo County County 05023 District - Hot mix asphalt cold milling, resurfacing and widening, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk and pavement markings. (39081-210813)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Hot mix asphalt cold milling, resurfacing and widening, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk and pavement markings. 0.98 mi of hot mix asphalt widening and resurfacing, stormwater drainage, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk,signage, signals, and pavement markings on M-43 (West MainStreet) from 10th Street easterly to Drake Road and US-131interchange at M-43, Kalamazoo County. This projectincludes a 5 year materials and workmanship pavementwarranty.. ** 8396 Ea or Comb/Jt. 8396 Cb, K **In additionto the above minimum prequalification requirement for primecontractors this project includes subclassifications of Cb,Ea, K and L. If the prime contractor is not prequalified inthose subclassifications it must use …
- Award:
- Bid Amount $9,703,050 None, KAMMINGA & ROODVOETS INC
- Bid Amount $8,365,652 None, HOFFMAN BROS INC
Apparent Low Bidder: HOFFMAN BROS INC
MI Berrien County County 05023 District - Road and bridge rehabilitation includes hot mix asphalt cold milling and resurfacing and epoxy overlay. (11017-128907)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Road and bridge rehabilitation includes hot mix asphalt cold milling and resurfacing and epoxy overlay. 4.99 mi of hot mix asphalt overlay on existing concretepavement, cold milling and resurfacing, repair or replaceculverts, guardrail and cable barrier work, signing andpavement markings and bridge rehabilitation on 2 structuresincluding epoxy overlay, full depth deck patches, jointreplacement, substructure repairs and approach work on I-94from I-196 to M-140, Berrien County. This project includesa 5 year and a 3 year materials and workmanship pavementwarranty. ** 38862 Cb **In addition to the above minimumprequalification requirement for prime contractors thisproject includes a subclassification of Ea. If the primecontractor …
- Award:
- Bid Amount $31,667,007 None, Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc.
Apparent Low Bidder: Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc.
MI Ingham County County 06025 District - Bridge reconstruction include removal and replacement, guardrail work and approach work. (33082-211428)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Bridge reconstruction include removal and replacement, guardrail work and approach work. Bridge reconstruction including removal and replacement,guardrail work and approach work on M-43 over Red CedarRiver, Ingham County. This project includes a 2 yearwarranty on concrete surface coating. This project is anOJT VIP project. Please see Special Provision forPreparation and Consideration of Bids on On-The-JobTraining Voluntary Incentive Program Projects** 12411 Fa**In addition to the above minimum prequalificationrequirement for prime contractors this project includes asubclassification of Ea. If the prime contractor is notprequalified in this subclassification it must use aprequalified subcontractor. This subcontractor must bedesignated prior to award of the contract …
- Award:
- Bid Amount $13,998,271 None, Anlaan Corp.
- Bid Amount $11,825,127 None, C.A. Hull Co., Inc.
- Bid Amount $10,805,641 None, Davis Construction, Inc
- Bid Amount $12,742,005 None, TOEBE CONSTRUCTION LLC
Apparent Low Bidder: Davis Construction, Inc
MI Wayne County County 07032 District - Rehabilitation of pump station includes replace pumps, upgrade building, electrical controls and sidewalk. (82101-216571)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Rehabilitation of pump station includes replace pumps, upgrade building, electrical controls and sidewalk. Pump station rehabilitation including structuralrehabilitation of existing building, replacement of trashracks, ladders, doors, railings and hatch, electrical andmechanical upgrades on Old M-14 (Ann Arbor Road) just westof CSX Railroad crossing, Wayne County. ** 1222 Fd **
- Award:
- Bid Amount $2,321,210 None, Z CONTRACTORS INC
- Bid Amount $2,359,031 None, DAN'S EXCAVATING INC
Apparent Low Bidder: Z CONTRACTORS INC
MI St Clair County County 04061 District - Construction of a roundabout includes hot mix asphalt surfacing and pavement markings. (77000-214976)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Construction of a roundabout includes hot mix asphalt surfacing and pavement markings. 0.24 mi of construction of a roundabout including hot mixasphalt surfacing and pavement markings on Marine CityHighway at Palms Road, St. Calir County. This is a LocalAgency project. ** 1296 Cb or 1296 Ea **In addition to theabove minimum prequalification requirement for primecontractors this project includes subclassifications of Ba,Cb and Ea. If the prime contractor is not prequalified inthose subclassifications it must use prequalifiedsubcontractors. Those subcontractors must be designatedprior to award of the contract to the confirmed low bidder.
- Award:
- Bid Amount $1,259,710 None, M L CHARTIER EXCAVATING INC
- Bid Amount $1,567,288 None, SPRINGLINE EXCAVATING LLC
- Bid Amount $1,490,563 None, RAYMOND EXCAVATING COMPANY
- Bid Amount $1,714,388 None, Ajax Paving Industries Inc.
- Bid Amount $1,847,574 None, DAN'S EXCAVATING INC
- Bid Amount $1,696,993 None, SUPERIOR CONTRACTING L L C GROUP
- Bid Amount $1,741,392 None, DIPONIO CONTRACTING LLC
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MI Macomb County County 07044 District - Traffic signal modernization, vehicle detection and ATSPM. (50000-215231)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Traffic signal modernization, vehicle detection and ATSPM. Traffic signal modernization and vehicle detectionupgrades on various routes, Macomb County. This is a LocalAgency project. ** 6344 L **
- Award:
- Bid Amount $6,669,131 None, RAUHORN ELECTRIC INC
- Bid Amount $6,319,270 None, DAN'S EXCAVATING INC
MI Kent County County 03009 District - Bridge removal and replacement, road reconstruction, traffic signal work, signing and pavement markings. (41026-201305)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Bridge removal and replacement, road reconstruction, traffic signal work, signing and pavement markings. 0.71 mi of hot mix asphalt reconstruction, drainage,interchange reconfiguration, non-motorized pathconstruction, traffic signal upgrades, signing, pavementmarkings, and bridge reconstruction with 48 inch plategirders over I-96 on Fruit Ridge Avenue from 3 Mile Roadnortherly to Northridge Drive in the city of Walker, KentCounty. This project includes two 5 year materials andworkmanship pavement warranties and a 2 year surfacecoating warranty. ** 28840 Ea or 28840 Fa **In addition tothe above minimum prequalification requirement for primecontractors this project includes subclassifications of Eaand Fa. If the prime contractor is not prequalified …
- Award:
- Bid Amount $26,225,451 None, KAMMINGA & ROODVOETS INC
- Bid Amount $28,190,632 None, D J MCQUESTION & SONS INC
- Bid Amount $28,274,921 None, M & M EXCAVATING COMPANY
- Bid Amount $28,555,482 None, MILBOCKER AND SONS INC
MI Jackson County County 06022 District - Bridge rehabilitation includes pier diaphragm replacement, beam repair and approach work. (38051-218419)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Bridge rehabilitation includes pier diaphragm replacement, beam repair and approach work. Bridge rehabilitation including pier diaphragmreplacement, beam repair and approach work on M-106 overPortage River, Jackson County. ** 656 Fa **
- Award:
- Bid Amount $745,991 None, E T Mackenzie Company
- Bid Amount $748,557 None, Anlaan Corp.
- Bid Amount $765,741 None, C.A. Hull Co., Inc.
MI Kalamazoo County County 05023 District - Hot mix asphalt reconstruction includes bridges, drainage, signing, guardrail and pavement markings. (39014-212745)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Hot mix asphalt reconstruction includes bridges, drainage, signing, guardrail and pavement markings. 1.59 mi of hot mix asphalt reconstruction, drainage,interchange new ramp configuration, signing, pavementmarkings and construction of 2 new bridge structures onUS-131 from south of H Avenue to US-131BR and on US-131BRfrom US-131 to east of Ravine Road, Kalamazoo County. Thisproject includes a 5 year materials and workmanshippavement warranty and a 2 year concrete surface coatingwarranty. ** 20942 Ea or 20942 Fa **In addition to theabove minimum prequalification requirement for primecontractors this project includes subclassifications of Ea,Fa and Ka. If the prime contractor is not prequalified inthose subclassifications it …
- Award:
- Bid Amount $21,574,857 None, KAMMINGA & ROODVOETS INC
- Bid Amount $22,460,144 None, M & M EXCAVATING COMPANY
- Bid Amount $19,197,830 None, Anlaan Corp.
- Bid Amount $20,452,906 None, HOFFMAN BROS INC
- Bid Amount $19,989,251 None, MILBOCKER AND SONS INC
Apparent Low Bidder: Anlaan Corp.
MI Montmorency County|Otsego County County 02025 District - Hot mix asphalt cold milling and resurfacing and pavement markings. (69022-213435)
- Bid Date:
- December 6, 2024
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Hot mix asphalt cold milling and resurfacing and pavement markings. 17.29 mi of hot mix asphalt cold milling and resurfacing,shoulder gravel, guardrail, centerline and shouldercorrugations and pavement markings on M-32 from east ofHayes Road easterly to east of Meridian Line Road in thecity of Gaylord, Otsego and Montmorency Counties. Thisproject includes two 3 year materials and workmanshippavement warranties. ** 5906 Cb **In addition to the aboveminimum prequalification requirement for prime contractorsthis project includes a subclassification of N9-3A. If theprime contractor is not prequalified in thissubclassification it must use a prequalified subcontractor.This subcontractor must be designated prior to award of thecontract …
- Award:
- Bid Amount $4,443,963 None, Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc.
- Bid Amount $5,204,985 None, ACE-SAGINAW PAVING COMPANY
- Bid Amount $4,296,550 None, PAYNE & DOLAN, INC.
Apparent Low Bidder: PAYNE & DOLAN, INC.
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